Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

(Mary writes)
Today we are remembering that Jesus was born many years ago.
I love history cause it's shows us God's plans. SO many years ago, one part of God"s plan was fulfilled. So many combinations of things had to happen to make it precise. Which is yet another reason I love our God - He is precise. A perfectionist actually. The events that happened when Jesus was born were actually part of a bigger plan that was initiated at the beginning of time. God so loved the world that He GAVE His one and only son ....

Our desire to be god, to exalt ourselves above the Creator. Our inclination towards rebellion of the truth - that God is god and we are not -  brought separation from God. Being the perfect parent God has a greater understanding, a longer vision then us. We strive and pull, He plans and creates order.

And back to the point of this post ... His plan was to send a solution, His precious son Jesus.
Because of that Gift, we can be brought back into fellowship with the God,
Creator and Father who loves us.
I love Jesus and I can't wait for the day I get to walk with Him.

We have been having a crazy Christmas. The traditions have been really helpful. When at this time of our life when all the routines are gone and the life that we had come to recognize and know as our own is changed. Buying presents has been done in kind of a daze, we were late in putting up the tree. I didn't send out cards this year or make gifts for others. It's just a different type of Christmas this year. But, when we went out in the woods to find the tree, which stood without ornaments for days and days in our living room, we were going through the motions which gave continuity to our lives. One day at a time.
Elisa and Benjamin have been so fun, helping with shopping and wrapping. Elisa wrapped and shopped for her dad. Benjamin helped me pick out stuff for his dad's stocking.
There have been so many fun surprises.

Christmas Eve I was finally wrapping the presents. After lots of treatments and battling survey software Don has been very tired. He struggled to stay awake to watch our Christmas Eve movie - It's a Wonderful Life - As we watched the movie again another year ... it was finally starting to feel like Christmas. Very pleasant.
Traditions, they give a sense of a place in time. And the comfort of previous memories gave us a sense of security.

We made a video for the family, opening the presents they sent us and then we added a few songs to entertain them. Here is a sampling of a song we sang for the family.

(This movie has gotten out of sync, now it's just dumb but I can't get it off, it won't delete - sorry)

Otherwise ... 

Finally, this morning, after a long winters nap - we awakened at around 9:00 AM.
I got the kids up and we enjoyed a lovely morning together. Don got some great presents - a new pair of slippers, new pj's, a new blanket, a new pillow and 20 videos, along with some great books. We told him that the gifts represents his job for the next month. R & R.

Here are some pictures from Christmas Eve 

Christmas Eve dinner

Christmas magic

Christmas morning 

Our beautiful sunshine handing out the presents.

I got a new Bible ... So excited!! 

Even Daisy got a gift

Benjamin's candy stash

Here is Don, surrounded by his equipment. 

We hope that you also have had a wonderful Christmas. We love you ALL so much. 
Merry Christmas !! 


Anonymous said...

beautiful and delightful

Grandma Gigi said...

Love Love love!! How could you all do that little dance & not be cracking up???? See...don looks like he is feeling pretty good..dancing around! Good sport!

Dee Dee said...

Merry Christmas! We love you all! And how could that video be dumb? It's classic!